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Thursday, February 01, 2007

January came and went... with a bang!!!

Wow, where to begin - it was a FULL month, new trainings, Slava Polunin, Onofrio Colucci, Old New Year, and a trip to the East Coast for Bryan and Olya with a wonderful visit to the Double Edge Theatre.

M. Chekhov workshop with Robert was short and effective, very inspiring and useful for our process. Well, how could it not be, Misha was a wizzard, and so are we, wizzards in the making.

Commedia with John Achorn is god-sent, coupled with a visit of Slava's Snowshow to LA (most of us saw the show at least twice) and Slava's company, we've been goofing off, buffoning, clowning and laughing our bellies off. Life is good, ladies and gents!

Old New Year... what can we tell ya, it was a RIOT!!! Over 400 guests on the COLDEST DAY in LA HISTORY (it was freezing) gathered to party like it's 2099.

We performed inside and outside, dipped into rituals, literally. We actually had a pool of cold water for an ancient ceremony of throwing water at midnight out of the old pots and pans). We burned old X-mas trees to keep warm, and danced and sang the night away, till 4am.

A Trip to Double Edge was memorable. Yes, America has a living theatre! It's live, and people live there, and they live doing theatre. Beautiful farm on 105 acres of sprawling New England land, with rolling hills and a jewel of a pond - is their home. The training and performing facilities are a dream for any physical theatre group. We spent about an hour talking with Matthew Glassman, managing director and an actor, and another 3 looking at the archives - performance tapes, photographs, reviews, etc. Rich imaginations and generous hearts reside at the Farm!

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