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Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Poland, Grotowski Center, Atelier, Song of Goat

Bryan Brown has left for Poland to participate in this year's ATELIER Source Techniques – Sources of Techniques directed by Jaroslaw Fret and Grzegorz Ziolkowski at the Grotowski Center and to train with Piesn Kozla (Song of Goat) Theatre Company.

Company continues to work on the Bulgakov Project and firming up our plans for performances in August and December. Olya is also working on her solo piece, based on Les Noces (English: The Wedding; Russian: Свадебка.)

What is ATELIER?

ATELIER consists of a series of practical and theoretical work sessions, which are part of an enterprise created for actors, musicians, singers, dancers, and theatre people. The aim of the Atelier is to work on the craft in the primary meaning of the word. The craft is a study of tools, a study of discovering creative motivation in oneself, a study of keeping the working spaces (whether them being actual spaces or the spaces of the body and/or the voice) in order. These elements build a skeleton of performer's creative preparation for work, the core of which is re-cognition – dedication.

Programme of the ATELIER includes:

Openings – presentations of performances, concerts and demonstrations of work open for wider audiences. Presentations will be made by artists whose projects are realized within the framework of the promotional activities of the Grotowski Institute.

Courses – work sessions divided into 4 five-day units of work which embrace three independent artistic lines (200 hours on the whole). Apart from them, the programme consists of theoretical classes and film presentations with introductions.

1 comment:

Lizza said...

how do we get information on signing up for the courses? Can you please post that on one of your blogs on the main page? Thanks